As a specialist science writer, I’ve interviewed top experts and written hundreds of articles about the microbiome and health. My work has appeared globally, both online and in print.
Below are some of my favourites, listed by topic.
Could probiotics each day keep antibiotic prescriptions at bay?
Gut Microbiota Clinical Minute: Can probiotics prevent Clostridium difficile infection?
ISAPP’s 2019 annual meeting in Antwerp, Belgium: Directions in probiotic & prebiotic innovation
Key points for health care providers about probiotic safety and quality standards
Learning what happens between a probiotic input and a health output
Probiotics Part I: A branching definition
Probiotics Part II: In Sickness and in Health
The past decade of probiotics and prebiotics research: ISAPP board members share their perspectives
Your guide to the difference between fermented foods and probiotics
Digestive disorders
In new understandings of IBS, diet and probiotics emerging as promising treatments
Interview with Dr. Brent Polk, on inflammatory bowel disease in childhood
Newfound Mechanisms of Intestinal Fibrosis Could Lead to Prevention Strategies
Studying how the low-FODMAP diet reduces symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Success for Children with IBD: Tackle nutrition and digestion to help kids live their best lives
Early life
Improving Infant Health Through the Microbiome
Study shows “just in case” antibiotics in late pregnancy may have health consequences for offspring
Why Kids Should Get Their Daily Dose of Germs
Fermented foods
Gut Microbiota Clinical Minute: Do fermented foods contribute to health?
Highlighting the importance of lactic acid bacteria: An interview with Prof. Seppo Salminen
Food allergy
Scientists explore the causal role of gut microbiota in food allergy
Gut-brain axis
Go With Your Gut to Cut the Cravings
Know your serotonin: An interview with gut-brain axis researcher Elaine Hsiao
Mechanisms By Which Probiotics Act On The Human Brain Still Elude Us, But We’re Getting Closer
Nourishing the “Second Brain” in Your Gut
Of Two Minds: Antibiotics And The Gut-Brain Axis
“Psychobiotics” And The Science Of How Gut Bacteria Can Affect The Human Brain
Psychobiotics, gut biomarkers, and the future of mental health
Scientists investigate the ‘black box’ of bacterial effects on the brain and behaviour
Why You Can’t Blame Your Behavior On Your Gut Microbiome
Gut health
Adventures of a Good Gut: How to take care of your digestion on your escape
Help for Holiday Overindulgence: Support your gut micro-organisms
Implications of the new consensus definition of prebiotics
Scientists reach consensus on the meaning of the word “prebiotic”
Finding early-life microbiota markers of asthma risk
Hepatitis B and the liver cancer endgame
Celiac disease
Studying how gluten reacts with bacteria in the gut helps advance treatments for celiac disease
Do the microRNAs we eat affect gene expression?
Gut microbiome
Evolving with the help of our gut microbes
Gut Microbiota From Cradle To Grave: Does Age Or Lifestyle Matter More?
The Top Five Mysteries of the Human Gut Microbiome
3 Things Microbes in Space Can Teach Us About Our Health on Earth
Immune system
Building a resilient immune system: Interview with Prof. Philip Calder (Part 1)
The links between diet and immunity: Interview with Prof. Philip Calder (Part 2)
Preparing health-care systems for future pandemics
The art of infection prevention
With Infections, We’ve Been Playing ‘Pin the Blame on the Microbe.’ Is It Time to Change the Game?
Microbiome research & bioinformatics
Modelling Holobiont Evolution for a Better Understanding of Symbiosis, Dysbiosis, and Human Health
Microbiome therapeutics
Ferring takes pre-emptive action in IP dispute with Finch
Feeding the Masses: Microbes provide new reasons to love your fibre
Gut Microbes Could Finally Settle the Debate Over Whether Red Meat Is Unhealthy
Nutrition for Seniors: A quality diet for optimal health
The future of nutrition is personalized, and gut microbiota will help us get there
Obesity & metabolic health
A Gut Feeling about Body Weight
Inflammation, gut microbiota, and obesity: What’s the link?
What’s the science on resistant starch for weight loss? An interview with Dr. Laure Bindels